43 and Grateful

So yea, Today, I turned 43! It's crazy how I used to think 40 was old - No Way!  My 40's have been Grrrrrreat (if you're my age you'd understand that reference)! Another year of life, another year of lessons, of love, and grace.  I just could not let this moment pass without pausing to say THANK YOU, GRACIAS, MERCI, That's it, 3 languages is all you get.

When I hit my 40s I realized that Birthdays are more than just a celebration of another year; I've taken them as times to reflect and be thankful. I've looked back on some of the key lessons from past years, and share my hopes for the future with my wife.  This past year has been full of growth, unexpected blessings, and yes, also challenges. Through it all though, one constant has been God’s faithfulness. He has been my guide, my provider, and my strength. 
Looking back, here are a few things I’ve learned (or been reminded of) this past year:
1. Rest is not a luxury; it’s a necessity! 
Slowing down isn’t a sign of weakness - Jesus rested, so why shouldn’t I?  Slowing down is also not just a sign that you're older and maybe more tired - it’s wisdom.  I'll say that again. .  Rest is NOT a sign of weakness - Your body, physically, mentally and emotionally needs rest.

2. Community is a gift. 
I’m grateful for the people who encourage me, and walk with me through every season. I'm thankful also for those that challenge me, whether through deep conversations, shared prayers, or just laughing over un buen cafecito!  Community is a reminder that God places the right people in our lives for a reason.  If  I've yet to build community with you, I want this year to be a start.  I love meeting people, I love hearing and telling stories, especially if the story has a lesson to teach. 

3. God’s plan is always bigger and better than my own. 
There were moments I thought I had every box checked and my plan was top notch, only to realize God had something not just different, but better. The plans He has have a way to challenge me by pushing the envelope, and ultimately leading me to the exact place that I need to be.  Augustine of Hippo said "To confess that God exists, and at the same time to deny that He has foreknowledge of future things, is the most manifest folly." [1]

What’s one life lesson you've learned this year?
I’d love to learn from your experiences.  

I’m truly overwhelmed by gratitude, so I wanted to take some time to say Thank you.

To God, even in my weakest moments, Your love and grace has remained constant.

To my Queen, you always know what to say, and more importantly how to say it.  Even your silence speaks loud.  I would easily take another 43 birthdays with you.  

To my family, especially my two girls, thanks for making today fun.  Your farter, loves you. . . I mean Father ?

To my friends - the ones who show up, who encourage me, and who make life richer.

And lastly a big thank you to The Gathering Place North Shore, the wonderful church we are building here in the city of Lynn.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve alongside of you all.  I’m thankful for the ways God has allowed us to impact others.

My prayer for this 43rd birthday year is simple.
“Lord, this year let me be a reflection of Your love, grace, and purpose. Use me to make a difference, to love people well, to be kind as you have been kind to me, and to walk in the fullness of Your calling.”

I truly want this year to be about purpose, and obedience.  I want to go where God leads, and to love without hesitation.

If you've gotten this far, thank you.  If I could ask for something from you for my birthday, it would be for your wisdom.  

If you could give me one piece of advice for this year, what would it be? It doesn’t matter if you’re younger or older.  We can all learn from each other.

Thank you again.  I appreciate you.
[1] Elliot Ritzema, 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Early Church, Pastorum Series (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2013).


Pastor Sammy Salazar - February 11th, 2025 at 1:04am

Get a Roth 401K or. Roth IRA and max it out


nAside from that, I value your wisdom and thank you for allowing me to me to be blessed by it




nps ay me dice cuando venga pa ka en Southwest TEXAS p llevarlo a comer!

- February 13th, 2025 at 12:27pm

Great advice, Pastor Sammy! And you let me know when you're up here in Mass. Peace